February 2015

Millet Cookies

Sometimes, I get inspiration for a new cookies recipe based on what I have that I want to get rid […]

Bad Parenting

As a parent, I realize what a difficult job parenting is. Yet, at the hospital, I often see people who

Record Setting

A two-day-old baby who was brought to the emergency department for being “fussy.” As a newborn, the baby had been

Oreo Cheesecake Cookies

Some time ago, I posted a recipe for Cookies and Cream Cookies. At that time, my daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, sent me

Latest Donation to RAFT

I just made my first strap delivery to RAFT in 2015. I dropped off 1541 trauma straps that I have

Meth Ingestion

Trying to avoid arrest for drug possession, some people will swallow the evidence. The police bring these suspects to the

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