March 2016

Firehose Bags

My friend, Eric, came to own several firehoses. Though they had never been used, they were worthless unless someone could

Thirty-two to One

Emergency department staff deal with a lot of stressful situations. We kind of get used to it, after a while,

Ranger Bars

  When I offered these to Dr. Pete last night, he asked what was in them. When I told him,

Is this You on TV?

At work this week, I took care of a middle-aged man who, as he left his house to go to

Three guys in the Solarium

We used to put drunks in the little anteroom at the ambulance entrance. I lovingly called it “The Solarium.” The

$250.00 Plus Cookies

   I want to tell you about the cookies I made today to take to the emergency department. These cookies

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