March 2017

Monster Cookies

The recipe for Monster Cookies came into our family from Jessie, college buddy and BFF of our daughter, Hilary. She […]

Yoga Mat Wrap for Sandy

   My son’s mother-in-law asked if I could make a bag for her yoga mat. I wondered if something other

Assaulted in Waiting Room

A.L. was a 65-year-old man who came in complaining of having been assaulted. This was not any ordinary assault. It

Southwest/Ranger Cookies

I have mentioned Alex before. He was the head cook at our church girls’ camp, where I was the baker

Jessica’s “New” Bag

Black straps only rarely come in and, since they are so cool, are much in demand. Many people have asked

Big Bloody Guy

The other night, a woman rushed in asking for help getting her injured boyfriend out of the car. She said

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