98-Year-Old Lady Chews Off Her Fingers

This is, word for word, the note I wrote on this patient’s chart:

Family members called the ambulance when they found the patient chewing on her fingers today. The patient is demented, bedridden and completely dependent for all of her care. She was reportedly more agitated lately including spitting and chewing on things like her blankets. She had no history of self-mutilation but today the patient’s temporary caretaker found her chewing on her hands. The daughter, who normally cares for the patient, is ill herself and hospitalized elsewhere.

On the left hand, fingers 2 to 5 (index, long, ring and pinky) have extensive soft tissue damage. The fifth finger is essentially chewed off with just a strip of tissue left attaching it to the hand. Bones are visible in the other fingers with considerable amount of soft tissue damage present.

The patient went to the operating room for amputation of the fingers.

10 thoughts on “98-Year-Old Lady Chews Off Her Fingers”

  1. I like your blog! Very interesting. This last one — 98-Year-Old Lady Chews Off Her Fingers immediately followed by Chewy Cherry Chocolate Cookies. If she had her choice would it be cookies or fingers?

  2. Two things come to mind when I read this. First, where was her caregiver? It must’ve taken at least 7-8 hours to gnaw on her hands to where the fingers fell off. Wasn’t someone keeping an eye on her or feeding her or changing her potty (lack of a better word) And second, she must have some pretty strong teeth or crazy sharp dentures. WOW! I need to share this one with my sister…

    1. You are right to wonder about who was watching over her. We sometimes have to call adult protective services in such situations when it seems obvious someone was at fault when a vulnerable person is harmed. Why your sister?

    1. Yeah, fascinating that people are so oblivious to what’s going on with their body. Maybe soon Dad can tell the story about the lady who was sitting happily in the ER even though she had maggots. That’s a great story.

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