Bible and Blood

Bible Open to Different Page

A 66-year-old woman came in by ambulance after waking up and feeling her eyes irritated and flushed. She believed another occupant of her apartment complex had sprayed her with something. No one else lived in her apartment and she saw no one. The only evidence she had of anyone having entered was that her Bible was open to a different page when she woke than when she went to sleep. She said she has no enemies and no reason to think anyone would want to harm her. Still, based on how her eyes felt and the Bible being open to a different page, she was sure that was what happened.


Blood from Eyes, Ears and Nose

A 16-year old said she felt something in her brain “pop” earlier in the evening. She came in saying she had blood come out of both of her eyes, her nose and both ears.

One her exam, she was found to have a little dried blood on her face and ears but no blood inside her nose, mouth, throat, eyes or ears.

She was completely calm and seemed to be not the slightest bit worried about what might have happened to her. She was unable to explain how she might have blood on her face but no blood inside any of the places from which she said she had been bleeding.

This is one of those cases where I wondered what the heck was really going on but will never know.



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