
Struck by Lightening

This is a story of a patient I took care of in the intensive care unit (ICU) during my training.

From Nice to Nasty

The psychiatric emergency department at our hospital notified us they were sending a patient with chest pain. Everyone who recognized

You Were Bitten Where?

Not G-Rated My patient was a 39-year-old man who presented in police custody. He wouldn’t talk to me but the

Where’s the rest of it?

I pick up the chart of a man in his early forties. “Rectal pain” is the chief complaint. When I enter

I’m Going to Die

“Doctor? I’m going to die.” I don’t know if she feels it from within herself or if she reads it

Keep Your Poisons Safe

When I was a resident at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, I took care of a young man who came

I’ll Crawl Out!

I picked up a young man in turnover. That means his care had been started buy my partner on the

Bring Her Out of Her Seizure

A 30-year-old woman had a seizure. She had never had a seizure before. Understandably upset, her husband called 911 and

Walking on Hot Coals

I took care of these people when they came to the emergency department for care of their burns. I never

Bloody Smile Man

I went into the room of a man about sixty-five years old. He was naked except for a disposable diaper.

Bachelor Party Gone Bad

A 21-year-old woman was drinking with her girl friends the night before she was to be wed. They decided to

Call Dallas for Help

The medics brought in a 41-year-old man whose wife found him unresponsive in bed next to her in the middle

Laughing at Sick People

I spend most of my time at work taking care of sick people, which is a serious and rewarding exercise.


My patient was a middle-aged man who was severely mentally retarded. He was able to do some things like walk

No Surgery for Chest Pain

My patient was a man who had torsion of his testicle, resulting in the testicle being dead and needing to

Smelly Man

He was a most pitiful man. He was about sixty-years-old and had suffered a stroke in the past. He was

Her Pants Were Too Tight

My Patient of the Week was really a Mother of the Week. On Wednesday night, I cared for a fourteen-year-old

Bleeding Scrotum

Our Patient of the Week was 29-years-old and had to be taken down by the police with a Taser (which

I Have Lice

The other night the paramedics brought in a woman with burns on most of her scalp. The medics said when

What is that Smell?

The medics told us he was about sixty years old and lived in his car. He had gotten out of

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