Diagonal Bags

I am most proud of a couple of these I made. Part of the reason is they turned out really nice. In addition, it was really a pain to make them. Getting the diagonal straps to line up evenly was difficult. Then I had to get the tube that forms the sides be the right size for the bottom. Pat, one of our dayshift nurses, got the best one and every time I see her carrying it, I am quite pleased and tell her she has the best bag I ever made.

5 thoughts on “Diagonal Bags”

  1. These ones are really impressive. I am amazed how straight the diagonal lines are. I like the black border and black handles, that really gives the bag some depth.

  2. Those are so awesome! I love your labels. You should make some huge ones to add variety to your bags. I’d love a bag with a huge “Tad” on the side.


  3. Dear Doctor
    I would like to request one of your yellow and black bags. I am so fortunate to know you and your wife. Thank you for all of those cookies. Very delicious!

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