A 35-year-old man came in saying, “I’m losing sperm every day.” He said it was because he was masturbating too much. He said he masturbated so much he was unable to get an erection any more. He masturbated so much he vomited. This was causing him to lose strength and he felt like something was going to burst inside. He said he would wake up in the morning and if he didn’t masturbate, he would vomit and feel sick. He had been having this problem for many years and never talked to anyone about it in the past. He said he didn’t dare talk to his psychiatrist about this because she was female.
There was nothing I could do for him, of course, other than listen and try to help him see that talking to his psychiatrist about this would be a good idea. I also talked positively, saying that she could probably help him, though I was not so sure that was true.
Did you tell him he might be pulling too hard??
Did he have a strong handshake?