Lemon Cherry Coconut Cookies


It is fresh cherry season here.


After peaches, this is my favorite fruit. I am not a great fan of cake mix cookies but I have at least one in my list that is one of my family’s favorites.


That helped me have a good attitude towards trying this one. A couple of people who tried them said they reminded them of scones.

Recipe By:

Raley’s/Nob Hill




½ cup butter, melted
¼ cup flour
2 eggs
1 box lemon cake mix, 16 ounces
¾ cup white chocolate chips
⅔ cup unsweetened fine shredded coconut, toasted *SEE NOTE
1 cup fresh cherries, pitted and quartered



1. Heat oven to 350°F. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper.

2. Stir together butter, flour, eggs and cake mix in a medium bowl.

3. Stir in chocolate chips and coconut.

4. Lightly mix in cherries.


5. Scoop 2 tablespoon balls of dough onto baking sheets.


6. Flatten gently with bottom of a drinking glass, smeared with butter then dipped in sugar. Redip in sugar before flattening each dough ball.

7. Bake 13 to 15 minutes or until cookies are set in the center and just browning around the edges.


8. Let cool on baking sheets, then store in an airtight container.


* Heat oven to 250 degrees. Spread coconut on baking sheet. Bake for five minutes. Stir and return to oven. Repeat every five minutes until lightly browned and fragrent.


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