Complaints, Still More

Last week, I shared some interesting complaints with which some of my patients presented to the emergency department. Here are a few more:

35-year-old-man complained of excessive salivation after eating bad meat.

37-year-old man complained of excessive salivation after drinking milk.

20-year-old woman was hit on the thigh by a lime that was shot out of a homemade gun designed for that very purpose.

“This is a 15-year-old female who was struck with a can of Pringles potato chips and a water bottle by her 10-year-old sister tonight. This caused her to fall over and land on her elbow. The paramedics were called and she arrived here by ambulance.”

A daughter, speaking of her 67 year-old mother: “I woke up and found her on the floor unresponsible.”


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