Red Stripes!

We have never had red trauma straps. I wondered if the county EMS people might shy away from “blood-colored” straps for PR reasons. I know they are made in red because I have seen them online.

A while ago, two long, narrow straps were left outside our department. I have no idea who left them or what they were for as I had never seen straps like this before. After they were there long enough to gather dirt and be an eyesore, I brought them home and finally had time to include one in a bag. And it is red! It was just long enough to make two small bags. Here they are.

DSC03623 DSC03624 DSC03626

8 thoughts on “Red Stripes!”

  1. What a different color I like the red and it really pops I wish I can get my hands on one of those what due I need to due to get one

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