Waffle Iron Cookies

I recently shared a recipe I got from a Daughters of the Utah Pioneers cookbook my wife got from our friend, Louise. This is the only other recipe in that book that was unusual enough to interest me. Who every heard of cooking cookies in a waffle iron rather than baking them? Obviously, they look like no other cookie you have ever seen before. We only have a Belgian waffler you heat on the cooktop. I am pretty sure the author (Mary Nordin) used a regular waffle iron, which would probably be a bit easier.

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Recipe By:

Adapted from Daughters of Utah Pioneeer Cookbook


1¼ cups sugar
6 eggs
1 cup butter, melted and cooled
1 tablespoon vanilla, ** SEE NOTE
½ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons baking powder
5 cups flour, 22 ounce
½ cup cocoa (optional)

1. Heat waffle iron to medium heat. Oil with cooking spray as needed.

2. Sift together dry ingredients. Set aside.

3. Beat together sugar and eggs.

4. Stir in butter and vanilla.

5. Stir in dry ingredients.

6. Place about 2 tablespoons of dough onto hot waffle iron. Close lid. Cook about a minute or until browned and cooked through.

7. Frost or coat in powdered sugar.


** Substitute ½ teaspoon anise oil

2 thoughts on “Waffle Iron Cookies”

  1. Tad, we make a chocolate Cookie like this on a regular waffle iron and then put a fab of green frosting on top and call them “Turtles”.

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