April 2013

Vomit Google Fish

I am amazed at people who sit in the ED waiting room for hours with some complaint that would not […]

Bag Available on Ebay

I have been approached by many people I do not know looking to buy one of my bags. I have

Star Anise Cookies

My wife and I have had a long-running joke about licorice. Following my dad’s good example, I grew up eating

Pant Hanger Cover

Not everything you can do with repurposed material needs to be fancy or daring. I had a pant hanger made

Future Bottoms

When I make a bag, I start by cutting out a bottom the size and shape of the bag I

Shortness of Breath

A 22-year-old lady with no medical history presented with lower abdominal pain and shortness of breath. She had been seen

My Dick Turns Green

I looked up and saw a new patient listed on the white board. The complaint written by the nurse was

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