Category: Uncategorized

  • McKenzie, My Baking Buddy

    One of the things I really enjoy about baking is being organized and in control. I move through the kitchen smoothly and efficiently, timing my activities for best results. It fits my personality and pleases me. This is best done alone or with a capable assistant. Our youngest daughter, McKenzie, took a very early interest…

  • Ethan has perfected Tad’s Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

    My sister-in-law, Kim, sent me this picture and note: Ethan has perfected Tad’s chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. It is his “go to” recipe  when making a treat. Thanks Tad…and Ethan! Editor’s note: He is really a handsome young man, even though he does a great job of looking goofy here.

  • Egyptian Cookies

    Dina is one of our PAs. She brought me a plate of fun cookies that her mother, who is Egyptian, made for me. I was really impressed with all the work to make so many different kinds. When I make cookies, I only make one kind at a time. These were very interesting to look…

  • No Sewing this Week

    For anyone holding his or her breath for a new Tad Bag, I am sorry to say you are out of luck. My sewing machine is on the blink and in the shop so no sewing is going on in the Bad Tad sewing room.


    I asked my daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, to pick the cookies to share with her emergency department this week. She selected: MOMOFUKU-WERTHERS COOKIES They turned out great and I am posting this to remind you to give them a try.    

  • Hunter Helps Make Hawaiian Turtle Cookies

    Our grandson and his parents are staying with us for the summer. His mother requested I make Hawaiian Turtle Cookies for the emergency department so she could have some. I happily agreed to make them and enlisted Hunter’s help to do so. Here is a picture of him testing the measuring spoons to make sure…

  • Malt Cookies with Caramel-filled Chocolate Easter Eggs

    At Nob Hill on the day after Easter, we bought some bags of Palmer’s caramel-filled chocolate eggs for half price. We should have tried one first because they were not very good and we determined not to eat them. Their presence inspired me to use them for my Emergency Department cookies on Thursday. I used…

  • A New Button

    My web Guru and son-in-law, Taylor, made a cool change to the the web page today. He added a button titled “ER Stories.” It is on the right, just under the “Cookie Recipes” button. You can click it and see the whole list of crazy stories from the emergency department. Check it out!

  • Dinner from Manu

    On June 17th, I posted a picture of the bag I man for Manu, one of our registration staff. I was really surprised when he came in one morning with a bag full of food he had prepared, as a thank you for the bag. We made a complete, gourmet dinner. We started with an…

  • Joe and Lily Make Tad’s Cookies

    Nary sent me these pictures showing her husband, Joe and daughter, Lily  making Tad’s Mallow Bits S’Mores Cookies from the recipe posted last week. I asked if I could share them with you since they are so fun.