Here are two stories where someone really needed to call 911 immediately.
Get Cleaned Up for the Paramedics
A 71-year-old woman went up to take her evening bath as she did every day. Three and a half hours later when she had not reappeared, the family went looking for her and found her in the tub unconscious and unresponsive with the water flowing over the top of the tub. She was incontinent of stool and urine. The family pulled her out of the tub. They cleaned, dried and dressed her then called 911.
Your Mother Is Not Breathing
An 86-year-old man was noted by his wife to be not breathing at 1:45 in the morning. The wife called their daughter, who was at work. The daughter tried to get the wife to call 911, which she refused to do. The daughter then called her own husband at home. She asked him to call the patient’s wife to try and convince her to call 911. He placed the call but had no more success in convincing the wife to call for help. In the meantime, the daughter left work and headed to the patient’s house. When she arrived there, the patient was still not breathing so she called 911. The patient was brought to our emergency department where he was found to be dead.