September 2013

New Kind of Straps

Recently, a new kind of strap started showing up on our trauma patients. They are greenish-yellow and are stiffer than […]

Hot Pads

Lisa and Gina came as traveling nurses to work in our emergency department while we implemented a new computer system.

Blue with a Black Ruffle

Ofelia asked me for a bag. She asked for one with a “ruffle.” I think she may have had in

Black Backpack

Several people have asked me to make a back pack out of trauma straps. Each attempt was met with frustration.

Coincidences 1

Like Father, Like Son Two trauma patients came in from the same accident. Both were driving cars that ran head-on

Black on Black

Janell, a tech in our emergency department, asked for a black flower on a black bag. In my mind, it

From Around the World

I look at myself as being culturally sensitive as a result of being exposed to many different cultures, especially while

Bag Photo Collage

I don’t have a photo of every bag I have made but I do have a photo of most of

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